Policy reports

More with Less: Exploring Service Delivery Models for New Zealand Marine Fisheries

Prepared by Caroline Park, August 2012

About the author

Caroline Park is Deputy Section Chief for Sustainable Fisheries at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of General Counsel's Fisheries and Protected Resources Section in Silver Spring, Maryland. Caroline provides advice to NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service on the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, international fishery treaties and implementing statutes, and generally-applicable federal laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act and Administrative Procedure Act. Prior to NOAA Caroline was a teaching fellow at Georgetown University Law Center and a trial attorney with the Environmental Crimes Section, US Department of Justice. She is a graduate of Stanford University (AB) and Georgetown University Law Center (JD, LLM). During Caroline’s Ian Axford Fellowship exchange to New Zealand she was based at the Ministry for Primary Industries, where she researched US and New Zealand approaches to sustainable fisheries.

Details are current at the time of the award.
